A little advice if you are making your first trip to Peter Luger's:
1 - Try, no TRY the bacon. Get it as an app, eat if while you wait for the burger to be cooked.
2 - Do not get a 2nd bacon on your burger after having tried it and liked it. Trust me, I'm right.
3 - If you skip the bacon as an app, do get it with your burger. Eat it alone. Savor it. Chances are it will be the highlight of your meal.
Holy Pig Fat Batman, look at that bacon!!!
Moving on, going here for a burger may sound like sacrilege to the steak lovers out there but not going here for a burger IS sacrilege to all the burger lovers out there.
The little plastic cow said my burger was rare and that little plastic cow was not lying. Unfortunately the little plastic cow on my friend's burger that said medium was not medium.
Let's just say there were 5 rare burgers on the table at the time of delivery. It's so disheartening that their cooking of what would arguably be THE burger in all of NYC is so lax that it hurts the overall rating. I compare this to seeing your dream girl and then finally asking her out only to find out that she was born a dude. "She's" taking web design classes by day and did just buy a webcam to make some extra money to speed along the process to become a real-live girl but "she's" just not quite what you wanted now that you've got "her."
Rating - 4/5. If I just graded this on my experience, it's a 5. The meat just tastes so good, the bun perfect, and the slice of raw onion is really all you need. But the cooking errors are just abundant. I grew up in BK and know the FU attitude that BK has but I aint rolling over and handing out grades based on that FU BK charm.
Oh and I did NOT order a cheeseburger but they made me one anyway. Thanks but I was trying to keep Kosher.
Their site - http://www.peterluger.com/
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