Friday, August 26, 2011

Max Brenner

What's better than pizza for dinner? Pizza for dessert of course...
While my affinity for pizza is quite obvious, there are so many options to choose from. I'm reminded of a recent comment from someone in Chicago that said, "There's no way pizza in New York is better than Chicago-style pizza." My reply was simply, "It's a matter of taste but have you ever tried NY style pizza." The response was, "No." And my case was rested.

There's a huge difference, obviously, and to be honest, I'm not about to dive deep (no pun intended, or was it?) into the NY-Chicago pizza feud but I can say that I've traveled across much of this country and everywhere I go there are pizzerias serving "Authentic NY Style Pizza" and I can't say the same for the Chi-town variety.

Where were we? Pizza. Right, yes pizza is something that can be eaten for all three meals - breakfast pizza is an AMAZING way to start the day and it's a natural fit for a quick lunch or easy dinner. But nearly every pizzeria is missing the boat as they're not offering a dessert option for this delectable dish. Until a chocolate man came along. Pizza, meet Max Brenner. Max, meet pizza. If you are not familiar with Max Brenner, he's bald and he <3s chocolate, a lot. It may not be that legible in the above photo but the store's sign says, "Chocolate By The Bald Man." Max has many brilliant, delicious, sweet concoctions but one that really stands out and is ordered each time I go is his Chocolate Chunks Pizza. This dessert icon is served half or whole (half is really for losers so just go full monty) and is described as follows:

Max's double chocolate melting chunks & a choice of: crunchy hazelnut bits, bananas, peanut butter or roasted marshmallows.

They also serve this with "The Works" for an extra dollar. Spend the dollar and do it right. If you are not a choco-holic or you don't generally enjoy dessert, do not go here thinking this man will change your outlook on the subject so don't come crying to me saying "it's too sweet" or "wow it's messy" or "he's really bald." All those topics have been covered. But if you do like chocolate and sweets in general, go here right now and stop sitting around reading this blog but please, tell your friends because sharing is caring and you really can't eat this thing alone.

Rating - 5/5. This is so sweet, messy, and delicious. It's one of the best compliments to any meal I can think of.

Their site -

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